To begin your journey, please watch the video below!
The opportunity to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation is offered to those who have attained 14 years of age or more; to fulfill the requirement of our archdiocese that Confirmation take place after a person is at least 16 years old.
It is assumed, that as a practicing Catholic, you are attending Mass on Sunday and receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist, weekly and Confession on a regular basis.
Beyond your regular practice of the faith we have provided the following to assist you in diving more deeply into your faith, into service and your commitment to Jesus and His Church:
Download the PDF files below to register or re-register your Confirmation Candidate; then submit your completed copy to the Parish or
Formation & Evangelization Offices.
Registration Sponsor Information
& Saint Name
If you have already submitted your registration application to our office, you may click here to pay your registration fees.
To know and understand the fullness of faith with which God has gifted the Catholic Church is the duty of every Baptized person and the duty of the Church “to proclaim to all the nations”. This knowledge enables a person to fully live their Christian life, to access all of the graces God offers and to bring the fullness of life and joy which Jesus proclaimed as the reason he came: “I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly”. – John 10:10b and “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” – John 15:1.
Beyond it being a requirement by our Archbishop, a retreat teaches and affords a Christian the opportunity to learn to “tend their own soul”. This is an especially important skill to develop in our day and age of “rushing everywhere”. As we approach significant decisions or moments in our lives, all of us should know how to pause and listen to God – to seek God’s will and grace to act in a holy manner.
Jesus established the Catholic Church as the guardian and guarantor of sacred tradition; both lived (the apostolic teachings) and written (the Bible). It is in the Bible that we encounter God and come to know the life intended for all of humanity. As St. Jerome wrote, “ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ”. We study God’s word to know Christ and the Father’s will.
Those who follow Christ, must know how to worship and praise the God who saved them through the gift of his son, Jesus, in Spirit and in Truth. In these evenings we encounter Jesus, in the Sacrament of His body and blood – the Eucharist. We must remember that Jesus gave us this gift, not as a symbol, but as his very self, truly present, until the end of time!
The challenge to follow Jesus in an authentic way during adolescence is unique and to do so while respecting our created, en-fleshed being as male or female is a monumental task in our age. These nights call us to authenticity, integrity and faithfulness. They are shared moments of support between Christians on the journey.
We are made for communion, we are called to community. We are the family of God and as such should build holy and healthy relationships with each by honoring the gift that our brothers and sisters are in our life. God made us for joy!
The Christian is called to move beyond the inclination to be selfish and to offer their gifts in service to others. We use the gifts of the Spirit to care for others, to care for our world and to build up the kingdom of God.